Embedded System Training and Robotics Traininig

Embedded System Training and Robotics Traininig - 4.7 out of 5 based on 24 votes
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Workshop on


Embedded System Design


Development with Robotics


Note: If your interested but date and locations are an issue then kindly let us know so we can schedule it for you.


Register Now


Course Contents:


Embedded System Basics


Microprocessor Vs MicroController



Neo32 Basics


Neo32 Architecture


Installations of Sotware and Hardware


Hardware Software Configuration

Data Register


LED Interface


Digital Read and Write


Interfacing LCD


Internals of LCD


Text Scrolling


Custom Image in LCD


ADC Interface


IR sensor




Control Registers of Interrupt


KeyPad Interface




Motor Controlling


Home Automation


Robotics Basics


Making a Robot.






The Session will give full hands-on in Embedded System Design and  Development. Its an corporate training. We will work throughout the session on Embedded Systems based on Neo32. Session is designed to cover with Full Hands On.

Targeted Audience:


Engineering Students(IT/EC/EEE/E&I/Mechatronics)

Embedded Engineers

Embedded Developers

FOSS people

Telecommunication Engineers


Knowledge gained in the workshop:

Participants will get knowledge on

* Embedded Application Design and Development.

* Real time experience on embedded systems

* Embedded Interfaces

* Hardware and Software details, needs and concepts

* Robotics Design and Development

Note: This workshop is focused from beginners. The participants would understand practically, how to design and develop Embedded Applications and Robos


Basic knowledge in Java or C or C++ or any programming language

Time : 10:00 am to 06:00 pm




Terms & Conditions

Registration is first come first serve basis.



For any clarifications, Please contact:

Mr. Madeeswer Gandhi.V

US: +1(937)557-1919

IN: +91 8122331111

E:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



You are here: Home Embedded System Design and Development workshop based training in Chennai on June 9th and June 10th