Arithmetic Expansion Shell Scripting

Arithmetic Expansion - Shell Scripting

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We have to use arthimetic expansion for doing any arithmetic calculations in shell script.

$(( expression ))

echo $(( 1 + 1 )) - will add 2 value

echo $(( 2 * 2 )) - multiply 2 value

echo $(( 2 / 2 )) - divide the one value by another

echo $(( 5 % 2 )) - modulo of 5 by 2

Note: shell does not support floating point so all the value will be rounded to the nearest number automatically

expr Command:

expr command is also used for calculating the arithmetic expressions

add=`expr 1 + 1`

mul=`expr 2 \* 6`

Note: in order to suppress * as regular expression \ is used before the *

div=`expr 6 / 2 `

modulo=`expr 7 % 2`